Featured Projects

Steam Plant 72t / h

Scope of Supply


Rental of 02 boilers as described below, belongings and ancillary equipment, instrumentation, 06 fuel tanks, fuel receiving and transfer station, 42m chimney stack, command and control container, operation 24/24, 365 days / year.


Boiler 1

Manufacturer: COBRASMA, Licensor: BABCOCK & WILCOX, Origin: BRAZIL, Service & Maintenance: SATHEL Energia SA – Equipment & Services, Model: FM 103-88, Boiler Heating Surface: 466 m², Type of Boiler: Watertube Package Boiler, Boiler Capacity: 40 t/h, Hydrostatic Pressure test: 26.4 kg/cm², Operating Pressure, 17.6 kg/cm², Installation: Semi-sheltered, Temperature of Steam: Saturated, Feedwater Temperature: 105ºC, Fuel: Heavy Fuel Oil, CO2: 13% 14%, O2: 2% to 4%.


Boiler 2

Manufacturer: BABCOCK & WILCOX, Service & Maintenance: SATHEL Energia SA – Equipment & Services, Model: FM – 103-79, Type of Boiler: Watertube Package Boiler, Nominal Capacity: 32 t/h, Hydrostatic Test Pressure: 57 kg / cm², Design Pressure: 37 kg / cm², Operating Pressure Requested: 17.6 kg / cm², Temperature Steam: Superheated at 400ºC, Fuel: Heavy Fuel Oil, Efficiency @ PCI, Approximate 84% or 90%,  CO2: 13% 14%, O2: 2% to 4%, Motors: 440V, Control: 110V Installation: Semi-sheltered.




Heavy Fuel  oil